Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Anti obesity diet tips and sample diet chart

Cooking Tips :

Method of Cooking   :   Roasting, Grilling, Sautéing on non- stick cookware,        
                                        Microwave Cooking is preferred 

Check Oil consumption:  450-500 ml/person/month
Corn oil, rice bran oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil can be used in   rotation. Some oil spray is also available in market.   
Counseling Tips   :  1. Low fat milk should be preferred. (AMUL-TAAZA AND
                                            SHAKTI is low fat milk)
2. Whole cereal, whole pulses, pulse with husk and legumes    should taken frequently.ex- moong, desi chana(kathol)
3. Low calorie fruits & veg should be consumed.
 Veg-. leafy veg.,tomato, cucumber, raddish, cabbage,turnip,  lauki etc.
Fruits- water/Musk melon,Papaya,Apple,Orange,Mausambi etc.
4. Have small and frequent meals.
5.Avoid nibbling and binging on foods.
Choose Aerobic Exercises which helps in increasing the BMR and hence the Energy Expenditure. High Intensity Cardio for 30-45 min. is essential for significant weight loss effect
Jogging, Stair Climbing, Cycling, Brisk walking, treadmill exercises are the best Aerobic exercises In a treadmill Aerobic exercise about 10-12 calories are burned every minute if performed at high intensity. High Intensity Aerobic exercises burn up to 400 calories per hour.    
        Morning is the best time for Cardio as the carbohydrates are minimum at this time.
·       Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)
·       Flow Yoga      (Vinyasa )
·       Power Yoga
Make sure to drink plenty of water before and after Exercise or Yoga So that you don’t get dehydrated.
Sample Diet Plan

Early Morning
(6 am to 6.45 am)
Lukewarm water with ½ cut Lemon
1 glass

30-45 min
7.30 am
Khakhra/toast/Marie – oats/Digestivebite Biscuit
1 cup
2 No.
Use low fat milk
(8.30am to 9 am)
(Any one among these)
Foods like Idli with Chutney, Dhokla etc
Oats porridge/Veg.Dalia or Sweet Dalia /

 Milk(tonned) + 3 tbsp of
Cornflakes+Mueselli+Oats(Breakfast cereal)
1 small plate
2 No.

1 bowl

200 ml

*Eat Suji based food items. Avoid Maida based food items.
*Take wheat Bread for sandwich.
*Eat Sprouts thrice in a week in your Breakfast
*This prepared Breakfast Cereal is easily available in the local shops.
Mid Morning
(11 am)
Green Salad/Clear Veg Soup/Daal soup
1 plate/1 glass
Add sprouts and lemon in salad. This enhance Iron content in your diet)

(12.30 pm to 1 pm)
Plain Chapati(thin)
Boiled Veg

3 No.
1 bowl
1 bowl
Add Soyabean flour or Ragi flour in Wheat flour.

Eat one cereal (Grains)and one protein(milk/daal/pulse)

Boiled Rice(Starch free)
Pulse (Desi Chana/chola/Moong Daal/Rajmah/Soyabean)

1 big bowl
Eat boiled rice in exchange of 2 chapati


After lunch
Lukwarm water with lemon
½ glass
This will helps in mobilization of stub fat.

Evening Snack
Take one whole Fruit
Apple/papaya/watermelon/orange/mausambi are good options
1 big bowl of Mix fruit is better option.
No fruit juice


Roasted Snack
1 small bowl
Or,Tea with Toast or  Biscuit(whole grain Biscuit is better option)
Can be taken.


5-5.30 pm
Veg sandwich/paneer grilled sandwich/Roasted Snack/oats bhel
2 slice
Can spread peanut butter, potato or a little paneer
6.30 to7 pm
Fitness session

30 min. Brisk walk or Yoga Aasans will be beneficial.
If you are fond of sport, play any of the sport.
Before Dinner
(7.30pm to 8 pm)
Ample amount

 Veg. Dalia /oats porridge
1 plate
Dinner should be light.


Plain Chapati(thin)
Boiled veg
1 bowl

Can take 1 Glass(150 ml) toned Milk if you feel hungry


Missi Roti

Boiled veg. or Curd

1 bowl
Add soyabean flour and Ragi flour in wheat flour
No post Dinner

No sweet items

Follow Detoxify Diet for two consecutive days twice a month.
For whole Day, eat lots of fruits(take whole fruits rather than juice) like Orange, Mausambi, Apple, Papaya ,Black Grapes, Strawberries ,lemon tea or black tea, lemon-water, Salads, Veg soup (Clear Soup), carrot juice, beet juice.  
    Also, drink as much water as you can. Lukewarm water will be more beneficial.

Smriti Mishra
Registered Dietitian

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