Friday, March 3, 2017

Calcium- better not to neglect

Calcium- better not to neglect

Well accepted fact that calcium is required for strong and dense bone and optimal for Bone health throughout our life. And indeed, a little negligence can results into major ailing in later years.

Taking too little calcium leads to ‘Hypocalcemia’. Muscle cramps, Confusion, Depression, Tingling, Achy muscle are the generally observed Symptoms of Hypocalcemia for which your Doctor & Dietitian may suggest you for the supplement and dietary modifications. 

Sources :

Whenever we think for calcium, the glass of Milk appears in front of us.True that Milk has good calcium but those who simply has a dislike or have intolerance, they can switch to alternate sources. Ofcourse, the Biological availability (degree to which food nutrients are available for absorption and utilization in the body) of dairy and other source will vary. So, better to take opinion from Registered Dietitian.

Good sources - Milk and dairy products, Dark leafy vegetable, Rhubarb, Mustard, Green Turnip, Broccoli, Beans, Lettuce, soya etc.

For Lactose intolerant -Calcium fortified soy milk, tofu, soya nuts, Bok choy etc. You can also use Lactose drops/tablets in milk to reduce the lactose content.

7 things you should know all for calcium.

1.What is the Requirement ?
Pre menopausal and post menopausal women on Estrogen Replacement Therapy  requires 1000-1200 mg Calcium/day. For Pregnant and Lactating Mother, requirement goes to 1500 mg/ day.
Work as a guard of “maintenance crew”
There are two groups of special cells : Osteoclast  and Osteoblast who together helps to frame our bone. Studies suggest that as we Age, this crew become less efficient in working together.

Adequate calcium may slow the bone loss and reduce the risk of fracture .

2.Is supplement required ?
If you are already taking enough calcium in your diet, there is no need to take supplement. Check it with your Clinical Dietitian. Extra dietary calcium is not harmful. However, taking it from supplement may be harmful as this is associated with disease condition like kidney stones, prostate cancer, digestive problems etc.

3.How to take Supplements :

1. With Food or, immediately after eating. It is absorbed more effectively when there is Food in the stomach. Drugs/supplement having calcium citrate, Calcium Lactate, Calcium Gluconate are well absorbed at any time.

2. Take it with plenty of water.

3. Prefer not to take more than 500-600 mg of elemental calcium at one time.

4. Antacids are acceptable source of calcium, should be taken at mealtime for its better absorption.

4.Side effects of supplement:
Stomach upset, Constipation, Nausea, Acid rebound are most commonly seen.

5. Food and Drug interaction
1. Antacid- Large dose of calcium interfere with absorption of variety of drugs. People who are on Antacids or, taking Beta Blockers should discuss with their Doctor about the drug effectiveness along with calcium supplement.

2. Phytic acid - Among the foods high in phytic acid are fiber-containing whole-grain products and wheat bran, beans, seeds, nuts, and soy isolates. The extent to which these compounds affect calcium absorption varies.

3. Oxalic Acid- Foods with high levels of oxalic acid include spinach, collard greens, sweet potatoes, rhubarb, and beans. This binds with calcium and form insoluble salt crystal and affects digestive system. Research shows  that eating spinach and milk together reduces absorption of the calcium in milk. In contrast, wheat products (with the exception of wheat bran) do not appear to lower calcium absorption.

4. Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) and stress – HCL is secreted in stomach during digestion to begin breakdown of dietary fats. HCL is needed for absorption of calcium n duodenum( upper part of  small intestine).

5. Caffeine and Alcohol- Both acts as a vasoconstrictor which results into more fluid excretion from kidney which leads to calcium deficiency.

6. Age- children absorb 50-70% of dietary calcium, Adults absorb 30- 50 % only.  Research   study suggests as we age,  the “Maintenance crew” of our body  become less efficient in working together. (Read above)

6. What to be eaten to increase calcium absorption :
1. Vit D supplement / sunlight exposure
2. Vit. C

7. Hormone role in absorption of Calcium 
When blood level fall below desired amount, the parathyroid gland gets signal to release parathyroid hormone. This converts Vit D into calcitriol which stimulates bones to release calcium.

Take your pick :
• Include High Biological Value calcium sources. Calculate your calcium intake with the help of Registered Dietitian who can plan your diet accordingly.

• Some good combination of Food for better calcium absorption- Broccoli with cheese, salmon with Green leafy salad, Beans veg with Lettuce salad.

• Don’t consume large amount of calcium at ne time. By doing so, all calcium will not be absorbed. Consume small portion throughout the day.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Mushroom Coffee

Superdrink : Mushroom Coffee

Another variant for coffee lovers. A bliss to corporate workers who breathe on the sip of Coffee. The coffee was there before also, but now this one is way more nutrititious.

What's amazing in it??
'Mushroom' is packed with B vitamins and minerals like potassium, Phosphorous, Zinc, selenium & copper. And so particularly this Mushroom coffee is going to be a potential Superdrink.

Any studies/Research done?
There are various types of Mushroom. Research Studies suggests that one of its type 'Maitake' mushroom helps in regulating blood sugar while 'Chaga Mushroom' reduces natural acidity.

What about the taste?
May be this fungi(Mushroom) does not sound appetizing,but the flavour is mild & probably worth as it contribute to reduce stress, sustaining Energy, aiding weight loss,  mental focus .

This Coffee induce Acidity?
 This coffee is going to reduce natural Acidity.So, one can enjoy this without the harshness of it affecting your stomach.

Enjoy your nutritious coffee.
Stay healthy.
Another variant for coffee lovers. A bliss to corporate workers who breathe on the sip of Coffee. The coffee was there before also, but now this one is way more nutrititious.

What's amazing in it??
'Mushroom' is packed with B vitamins and minerals like potassium, Phosphorous, Zinc, selenium & copper. And so particularly this Mushroom coffee is going to be a potential Superdrink.

Any studies/Research done?
There are various types of Mushroom. Research Studies suggests that one of its type 'Maitake' mushroom helps in regulating blood sugar while 'Chaga Mushroom' reduces natural acidity.

What about the taste?
May be this fungi(Mushroom) does not sound appetizing,but the flavour is mild & probably worth as it contribute to reduce stress, sustaining Energy, aiding weight loss,  mental focus .

This Coffee induce Acidity?
 This coffee is going to reduce natural Acidity.So, one can enjoy this without the harshness of it affecting your stomach.

Enjoy your nutritious coffee.
Stay healthy.

Enjoy your nutritious coffee.
Stay healthy.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Diet for Tummy reduction

                Foods that helps in your tummy reduction

  Consuming how much is too much is troubling every mind. Feeling full is one reason that people stop eating. Short-term studies indicate that the volume of food people eat at a meal is what makes them feel full and stop eating, rather than the calorie content of the food. Dietitians and other Health care professionals need to provide sound, scientific information when they advice people to eat foods that help them stay healthy, which includes maintaining a suitable weight. This blog will brief you about the foods that can helps in your tummy reduction.

  •  Reading Food Labels is a must.


All food labels list "Calories" and "Calories from Fat" in a given serving of food. Calories are obtained from three essential nutrients: fat, carbohydrates and protein which are measured in grams. Every gram of fat yields about nine calories while carbohydrates and protein only yield four calories per gram. Therefore, foods that are rich in fat can really drive up calorie counts. In general, high fat foods are those in which the amount of calories from fat exceeds 25-35 percent of the total calories. Due to the high-calorie nature of such foods, it's important to consume them in moderation
A small food packet could be loaded with calories. Check the content thoroughly. Avoid foods having high fructose corn syrup which is mostly used to sweeten soda, commercial baked goods, condiments, etc.

  •  Eat more protein.

 There is convincing evidence that a higher protein intake increases thermogenesis and satiety compared to diets of lower protein content. The weight of evidence also suggests that high protein meals lead to a reduced subsequent energy intake. Some evidence suggests that diets higher in protein result in an increased weight loss and fat loss as compared to diets lower in protein, but findings have not been consistent
About 25%-30% of the calories in each gram of protein are burned in digestion, compared to only 6%-8% of the calories in carbs.
 Wow factor: You save 41 calories every time you substitute 50 grams of protein for an equal amount of carbs.

  •  Cut Carbohydrates.

You must have repeatedly read this. It works. But research studies also suggest that carbs helps in tummy reduction. When scientists fed rats a diet rich in Resistant Starch, it increased the activity of fat-burning enzymes and decreased the activity of fat-storing enzymes. This means that the belly-fat cells were less likely to soak up and store calories as fat.
What carbs to include then- Choose ones with a low Glycaemic index (GI) >It is a measure of how quickly foods break down and send blood sugar up. The slower, the better. Bad high-GI carbs create blood sugar spikes. Good carbs include most fruits and vegetables; 100% whole-grain-cereals, breads, crackers, whole-wheat pasta and couscous, plus brown and wild rice; and beans, lentils, and other legumes.

  •   Role of Fibre.

 Their bulk takes up space in your stomach, helping you feel full and eat less.
There are two types of fibre: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre slows digestion and helps you feel full for longer. It may also help to prevent or control diabetes because of its effect on blood sugar, and is related to heart health because it can help lower LDL or "lethal" cholesterol. Insoluble fibre adds bulk to your waste, helping to prevent constipation and keep your bowels working well. We need both types of fibre in our diets.
Food sources : Broccoli,Apple,Pears,Carrots, Parsnip,Sprouts,Beans, Legumes, Amaranth, Quinoa, Whole Grains, Spinach, Flax Seeds, Chia Seeds.

  •  Salad toping.

Studies show that acidic foods such as vinegar and lemon juice work like lighter fluid in your body's fat incinerator, increasing carb combustion 20%-40%. Researchers believe the acids blunt insulin spikes and slow the rate at which food empties from your stomach. Fermented foods like less oily pickles and yogurt are also good sour options.

  •           Coconut oil is the world’s most weight loss friendly fat. 

Several studies show that just by adding coconut oil to your diet, you can lose fat especially in the abdominal cavity. There is also some evidence from animal studies that Coconut oil which is rich in medium chain fats are stored less efficiently than other fats and they are metabolized differently than the longer chain fats.
  •         Work out is a must, I must say.

Studies have shown that exercise significantly increases mental acuity. Working out before your day officially begins allows you to start each day with a fresh perspective. A commitment to a regular workout regimen will increase your fitness level, improve your health and generate a greater sense of mental wellbeing.

  •  Some home remedies, good for fat reduction.

  •   Green Tea, Dandelion Tea
  •   Lemon water
  • Cranberry juice Use of Garlic, Fish Oil, Chia seeds
  •  Ginger-lemon-honey Tea 

In my next blog, I will brief you about the diet according to your workout. What foods to be taken pre and post workout. So, stay connected and be healthy.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Food for monsoon and cold

Monsoon food

The arrival of Monsoon is of course the prettiest thing. Apart from selecting the monsoon attires and the umbrellas, choosing healthy diet for this season will help out to get rid of cold Knowing your food to avoid and include will make you as your doctor.

The chemistry of Lysine and Arginine
Lysine and arginine are amino acids, which are the basic building blocks of proteins. They have an antagonistic relationship with one another that results in lysine being able to reduce arginine's ability to help synthesize certain proteins.
Ø  Avoid certain foods, especially the ones high in arginine and low in lysine. Lysine does not promote cold but if you take a diet rich in arginine, the lysine will get discarded, in order to store the former.
Ø   Since arginine will support the production and multiplication of virus, your cold will get worse. So, you should concentrate on a diet that is high in lysine and low in arginine,
Ø  Lysine appears to help the body absorb calcium, and it plays an important role in the formation of collagen, a substance important for bones and connective tissues including skin, tendon, and cartilage. It plays an essential role in the production of carnitine, a nutrient responsible for converting fatty acids into energy and helping to lower cholesterol

Dietary sources
Foods rich in protein are good sources of lysine. That includes meat (specifically red meat, pork, and poultry), cheese (particularly parmesan), certain fish (such as cod and sardines), nuts, eggs, soybeans (particularly tofu, isolated soy protein, and defatted soybean flour), spirulina, and fenugreek seed. Brewer's yeast, beans and other legumes, and dairy products also contain lysine. Many nuts also contain lysine along with arginine (lysine counteracts some of the effects of arginine).
Food not to be taken during cold
  • All types of nuts
  • All types of seeds
  • Beer
  • Brown rice
  • Carob
  • Chick peas
  • Chocolate (in any form)
  • Coconut
  • Coffee and Tea, Cola
  • Eggplants
  • Fruits and berries, including grapes, grapefruit and oranges
  • Gelatin
  • Mushrooms
  • Oatmeal, Soya beans, corn (in any form)
  • Vegetables like onions, peas, pumpkins, tomatoes, carrots and broccoli
  • Red wine
  • Seafood with shells (such as oysters and shrimps)
  • Sugar, artificial sweeteners
  • Wheat 
Foods to Have During Cold

Given below is a list of foods that are rich in lysine. You should include them in your diet if you have cold. 
  • Dairy products like milk, cheese, curd, butter, yogurt etc.
  • Lysine-rich animal foods include chicken, fish, eggs and beef.
  • Fruits like apples, papaya, mangoes, bananas, pear and summer squash.
  • Figs, almond nuts and avocados can also be taken to fight cold sore.
  • Vegetarians can also go for lysine supplements. The supplement is safe to eat and does not have side effect. 

Smriti Mishra

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Anti obesity diet tips and sample diet chart

Cooking Tips :

Method of Cooking   :   Roasting, Grilling, Sautéing on non- stick cookware,        
                                        Microwave Cooking is preferred 

Check Oil consumption:  450-500 ml/person/month
Corn oil, rice bran oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil can be used in   rotation. Some oil spray is also available in market.   
Counseling Tips   :  1. Low fat milk should be preferred. (AMUL-TAAZA AND
                                            SHAKTI is low fat milk)
2. Whole cereal, whole pulses, pulse with husk and legumes    should taken frequently.ex- moong, desi chana(kathol)
3. Low calorie fruits & veg should be consumed.
 Veg-. leafy veg.,tomato, cucumber, raddish, cabbage,turnip,  lauki etc.
Fruits- water/Musk melon,Papaya,Apple,Orange,Mausambi etc.
4. Have small and frequent meals.
5.Avoid nibbling and binging on foods.
Choose Aerobic Exercises which helps in increasing the BMR and hence the Energy Expenditure. High Intensity Cardio for 30-45 min. is essential for significant weight loss effect
Jogging, Stair Climbing, Cycling, Brisk walking, treadmill exercises are the best Aerobic exercises In a treadmill Aerobic exercise about 10-12 calories are burned every minute if performed at high intensity. High Intensity Aerobic exercises burn up to 400 calories per hour.    
        Morning is the best time for Cardio as the carbohydrates are minimum at this time.
·       Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)
·       Flow Yoga      (Vinyasa )
·       Power Yoga
Make sure to drink plenty of water before and after Exercise or Yoga So that you don’t get dehydrated.
Sample Diet Plan

Early Morning
(6 am to 6.45 am)
Lukewarm water with ½ cut Lemon
1 glass

30-45 min
7.30 am
Khakhra/toast/Marie – oats/Digestivebite Biscuit
1 cup
2 No.
Use low fat milk
(8.30am to 9 am)
(Any one among these)
Foods like Idli with Chutney, Dhokla etc
Oats porridge/Veg.Dalia or Sweet Dalia /

 Milk(tonned) + 3 tbsp of
Cornflakes+Mueselli+Oats(Breakfast cereal)
1 small plate
2 No.

1 bowl

200 ml

*Eat Suji based food items. Avoid Maida based food items.
*Take wheat Bread for sandwich.
*Eat Sprouts thrice in a week in your Breakfast
*This prepared Breakfast Cereal is easily available in the local shops.
Mid Morning
(11 am)
Green Salad/Clear Veg Soup/Daal soup
1 plate/1 glass
Add sprouts and lemon in salad. This enhance Iron content in your diet)

(12.30 pm to 1 pm)
Plain Chapati(thin)
Boiled Veg

3 No.
1 bowl
1 bowl
Add Soyabean flour or Ragi flour in Wheat flour.

Eat one cereal (Grains)and one protein(milk/daal/pulse)

Boiled Rice(Starch free)
Pulse (Desi Chana/chola/Moong Daal/Rajmah/Soyabean)

1 big bowl
Eat boiled rice in exchange of 2 chapati


After lunch
Lukwarm water with lemon
½ glass
This will helps in mobilization of stub fat.

Evening Snack
Take one whole Fruit
Apple/papaya/watermelon/orange/mausambi are good options
1 big bowl of Mix fruit is better option.
No fruit juice


Roasted Snack
1 small bowl
Or,Tea with Toast or  Biscuit(whole grain Biscuit is better option)
Can be taken.


5-5.30 pm
Veg sandwich/paneer grilled sandwich/Roasted Snack/oats bhel
2 slice
Can spread peanut butter, potato or a little paneer
6.30 to7 pm
Fitness session

30 min. Brisk walk or Yoga Aasans will be beneficial.
If you are fond of sport, play any of the sport.
Before Dinner
(7.30pm to 8 pm)
Ample amount

 Veg. Dalia /oats porridge
1 plate
Dinner should be light.


Plain Chapati(thin)
Boiled veg
1 bowl

Can take 1 Glass(150 ml) toned Milk if you feel hungry


Missi Roti

Boiled veg. or Curd

1 bowl
Add soyabean flour and Ragi flour in wheat flour
No post Dinner

No sweet items

Follow Detoxify Diet for two consecutive days twice a month.
For whole Day, eat lots of fruits(take whole fruits rather than juice) like Orange, Mausambi, Apple, Papaya ,Black Grapes, Strawberries ,lemon tea or black tea, lemon-water, Salads, Veg soup (Clear Soup), carrot juice, beet juice.  
    Also, drink as much water as you can. Lukewarm water will be more beneficial.

Smriti Mishra
Registered Dietitian